Manjunath Swayampu

Plants are inevitably challenged by pathogens, therefore relying on a complex innate immune system to recognize and turn on immunity against them. One mode of innate plant immunity is effector-triggered immunity (ETI). In Arabidopsis thaliana, four signaling sectors contribute to this network: jasmonate (JA), salicylate (SA), ethylene (ET) and PAD4. Although the removal of each sector one by one has little effect on ETI, simultaneous removal of the four sectors abolishes ETI.

Mia Deaven

CDKN2A is located among a hotspot of aging associated elements, and encodes two tumor suppressors, p16INK4a and p14ARF.In this project, we seek to probe the complex regulatory landscape of CDKN2A with unprecedented coverage by developing a high-throughput assay to scan large swaths of genetic regulatory regions for promoter and enhancer elements. We utilize programmable transcriptional activators (PTAs) to induce transcription of CDKN2A by expressing a library of gRNAs that target the promoter region of the gene.

Emma Heverly

Individuals with severe intellectual or developmental disabilities face one of the worst outcomes for physical activity among the general population, at the intersection of cognitive and physical difficulties in participating in physical activities. Motivation for this physical activity is also often found to be more difficult to self initiate or be intrinsically motivated.

Charlie Breslin

Understanding prosocial behavior (activities such as volunteering, cooperation, or helping others) is a psychological challenge associated with a wealth of literature and study. There are a variety of theories which attempt to explain why it is that humans engage in behavior which does not directly benefit them or their immediate associates. This study will focus on the cultural group affiliation approach— particularly its indication that ingroup bias may influence prosocial behavior.

Jennifer Holt

Snake venom is one of the most extraordinarily diverse adaptations in the natural world, however, the reason for this remarkable diversity in venom composition remains elusive. One proposed hypothesis is that intricate coevolutionary interactions between venomous snakes and their antagonists (predators and prey) are providing a constant source of diversifying selection, thus driving extreme diversification. However, relatively little is known about the ecology of venomous snakes with respect to the species with which they are coevolving.

Anish Sethi

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurogenerative disease characterized by the progressive loss of motor neurons, leading to muscle atrophy and decreased quality of life. A multidisciplinary team can assist patients in retaining their quality of life and autonomy while helping with symptoms through interventions and treatments. One such intervention is riluzole, which is a recent pharmaceutical advancement that prolongs survival by blocking neuronal excitation.

Avery Fessler

Artificial reefs are valuable tools used to supplement existing natural reefs or create new habitats for fish and invertebrates. These sites are often used recreationally for fishing and diving. Artificial reefs typically support several structures of fish communities, but it is still not fully understood what these fish communities look like across different reef materials. Studying what fish communities look like across different reef materials is helpful in guiding management practices. Our work assessed fish school size and density across rock, metal, concrete, and vessel reef sites.

Kaia Hilgendorf-Roost

The Interior Population (IP) of Trumpeter Swans results from relocation of individuals from several source populations. As part of a larger project evaluating movement ecology and genetics of the re-established IP population, we collected observations on transitional stages (e.g., incubation to brood rearing) of 32 GPS-collared swans. We paired these observations with accelerometer data to assess whether life-history stages could be determined from remotely derived data alone.

Rachel Schulz

Interest in perennial flax (genus Linum) breeding has surged recently due to the health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids found in flax oil and the variety of ecosystem services perennial flax can provide. At least three perennial flax species are being used in the University of Minnesota breeding program, L. austriacum, L.

Lily Den Hartog

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a pervasive and catastrophic condition concerned with skeletal muscle degeneration. There is presently no cure for DMD, but a promising avenue for novel therapies is inducing muscle regeneration via muscle stem cells.