
Office of Undergraduate Research Central Staff

Portrait of smiling man with curly gray hair; Josh Feinberg
Portrait of smiling woman with glasses looking at camera.
Associate Director
Portrait of Bridget Bergin
OUR Coordinator
Portrait of Joe Gibbs
Undergraduate Student
Portrait of Dahmi Baobaid
Undergraduate Student

College UROP Coordinators

For questions specific to your college, please contact your college UROP Coordinator listed below. These people are excellent resources for information on many things including finding a faculty mentor, writing a good proposal in your discipline, and opportunities to present your research results.

Information for Coordinators

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Twin Cities UROP Coordinators

College of Biological Sciences
Dana Davis, Associate Professor
3-109 MRF
[email protected] or [email protected]

School of Dentistry
Joel Rudney, Professor
Diagnostic/Biological Sciences
17‑238 Moos Tower
(612) 624‑7199
[email protected]

College of Design
Malini Srivastava, Associate Dean
Research, Creative Scholarship and Engagement
145 Rapson Hall
[email protected]

College of Education and Human Development
Nicole Shopbell
Undergraduate Education
131 Burton Hall
[email protected]

College of Food, Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences
Hal DeLaRosby, Director
Student Services
190 Coffey Hall
(612) 624‑3047
[email protected]

College of Liberal Arts
Wendy Nicholson-Kotas, Coordinator
Individualized Degree Programs
30 Johnston Hall
(612) 624-8006
[email protected]

Carlson School of Management
Jill Adams, Assistant Director of Advising and Student Affairs
Carlson Undergraduate Studies
2-190 Hanson Hall
(612) 624-1056
[email protected]

School of Nursing
Diane Treat-Jacobson
Nursing Administration
6-145 Weaver-Densford Hall
(612) 624‑7613
[email protected]

College of Pharmacy
Adam Duerfeldt, Associate Professor
Medicinal Chemistry
717 Delaware St. Room 455
(612) 624-6184
[email protected]

College of Science and Engineering
Benjamin Koch, UROP Support 
105 Lind Hall
(612) 625-6813
[email protected]

College of Veterinary Medicine
Alonso Guedes, Associate Dean
CVM Research Office
C339 VMC 
[email protected]

Crookston UROP Coordinator

Jana Brekken
Admin. Specialist, Academic Affairs
307 Selvig Hall
(218) 281-8341
[email protected]

Duluth UROP Coordinator

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Mitra Emad, Associate Dean
212B Cina Hall
[email protected]

School of Business & Economics
Monica Haynes
330F Labovitz School of Business & Economics
Building, (218) 726-7895
[email protected]

College of Education & Human Service Professions
Scott Carlson, Associate Dean
125 Bohannon Hall
(218) 726-6428
[email protected]

College of Science & Engineering
Rachel Ellestad, Associate Dean for Student Success
140 Engineering Building
(218) 726-8707
[email protected]

Morris UROP Coordinator

Nade Sotirova, Associate Professor
Communication, Media, Rhetoric
105C HFA, 320-589-6244
[email protected]

Rochester UROP Coordinator

Carolyn Privet-Chesterman, Administrative Associate of Academic Programs
Office Loc: 318 Commons
Phone: 507-258-8200
[email protected]

Undergrad Research Advisory Board

The board is charged with focusing on expanding the opportunities for undergraduate research at all levels of the University. This includes but is not limited to advising the Office of Undergraduate Research and UROP, identifying new research opportunities and new faculty members willing to mentor undergraduates, enhancing the undergraduate research infrastructure, providing a final read for MURAJ journal articles, and promoting the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Raj Singh, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education


  • Asha Kaliappan, Undergraduate Student
  • Lucy Dunne, Design, Housing, and Apparel
  • Brian Hinderliter, SCSE, UMD
  • Thomas Hoye, Chemistry
  • Bo Hu, Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
  • Richard Lee, Psychology
  • Vicky Munro, Program Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
  • Sujaya Rao, Entomology
  • Joshua Feinberg, Faculty Director, Undergraduate Research
  • Michael Silverman, Music Therapy