Directed Research/Directed Study

Directed Research or Directed Study means that you earn credit by working in a lab or field setting under a faculty member’s guidance.

Before Your Register for Directed Research/Study:

  1. Talk to your advisor and instructor regarding how directed research/study works in your college/major.
  2. Talk to your instructor about the details of your directed research/study projects will be structured. 
  3. Fill out the Directed Activity Contract. To fill out the contract, you will need:
    • Instructor’s UMN Internet ID (the first part of their email)
    • Year and term of the project
    • Course subject, number, and possibly the section number
    • Number of credits
    • Grading basis
    • The title and description of your project
    • A description of methods, resources, and strategies you may use

For more information on the University policy, visit Directed Study, Directed Readings, and Directed Research Courses.

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