Fall Symposium

Info for Presenters

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Info for Presenters

Preparing Your Presentation

You may prepare your presentation in a way that best represents your research.

  • A traditional research presentation could be a series of slides or a single slide of your poster (it may work best to zoom in to sections, charts, and graphs for best readability).
  • For Oral, Creative, Performance, or Non-Traditional Presentations, you can prepare a series of slides, a video, recorded performance, or another form of digital presentation (video file preferred) between 4-6 minutes in length.
  • Abstracts should be concise, no longer than 250 words.

Poster Design Tips and Templates

Designing a traditional poster is not required, however, if you choose to, we have a page of poster design templates, tips, and examples.

Poster Design Tips

Recording Your Presentation

Recording Your Presentation

You can record your presentation using either Zoom or PowerPoint, whichever you find easiest. An ideal presentation length is 4-6 minutes.

Submit Your Presentation

Email the .mp4 file to [email protected] with the subject line “[your name] Presentation Submission”. Please include your project title in the body of the email.

Be sure the Share Settings (in Google) for your video file are set to "Anyone with the link." 

The deadline to submit your video for the Fall 2024 Virtual Symposium is December 2, 2024.

Get Permission to Share Research Publicly Online

Students must confirm with their research mentors that they are able to upload their research presented in this virtual format. All presentations will be public on the web.