Yuhao Su

Graph anomaly detection is an important area in data mining that has been widely received attention from academia and industries in recent years. Examples of its applications are fraud detection, recommendation system based on social network as well as others from different industries. Rather than general i.i.d. datasets, graph data represents some network that contains nodes and edges, bringing correlation within the dataset, sparsity as well as other challenges for researchers. Additionally, nodes can contain other information as well, which is called the attributed graph.

Madeline Wagner

Natural Killer (NK92) cells hold great promise in clinical trials; however, traditional cryopreservation techniques result in low functionality and recovery. To improve the use of these cells clinically, the effect of nucleation temperature on the cell line NK92 was explored. Specifically, the effect of undercooling, the difference between the melting temperature and the temperature of ice formation in a sample, was tested.

Meredith Pounds

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) are famous for their high-altitude migrations across North America, but are now facing widespread population decline. Weather conditions throughout migration and predatory birds at roosting sites elicit the need for a rapid flight response, righting reflex, and learning ability. The decline or loss of these functions can be seen in many pollinator species after exposure to pesticides, which may be a contributing factor to the decline in monarch populations.

Thomas Donelan

Kernza®, intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium), is a perennial grass species that is currently under development as an agronomic grain crop. Agronomic research investigations have been conducted on the impact of seeding rate, row spacing, seeding date, and stand age on this grain crop. However, there is a lack of specific information on the impact of planting depth on Kernza establishment and seedling growth across different soil types.

Lucy Kwiatkowski

Enterococcus faecalis is an opportunistic pathogen with a variety of intrinsic antibiotic resistance mechanisms including the ability to form a biofilm. Previous work has shown that the enterococcal polysaccharide antigen (epa) operon produced the Epa polymer embedded in the call wall and plays a role in biofilm associated antibiotic resistance; however, the mechanism has yet to be elucidated and many of the genes in this operon remain poorly annotated. Previous work has shown that epaB may function as a rhamnosyltransferase that helps incorporate rhamnose into the Epa polymer.

Gayathri Dileepan

Mitochondrial Ca 2+ (mtCa 2+) homeostasis is critical for cell survival and death by regulating mitochondrial ATP synthesis and apoptotic signaling. We previously showed that 1) an important heart failure signaling, Gq protein–coupled receptor (GqPCR) stimulation, promotes activation of an oxidation-sensitive tyrosine kinase, proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2), and its translocation from cytosol to mitochondrial matrix; 2) Pyk2 phosphorylates a main mtCa2+-uptake channel, mtCa2+ uniporter (MCU), which promotes mtCa2+ overload, and cardiomyocyte apoptosis.

Alena Oxenham

Health apps are designed for many different behavioral domains (e.g., eating, activity, symptom management), and these different types of apps provide different kinds of feedback. These forms of feedback may be helpful in different ways and users may interact with them differently. Preliminary data from another study in this program of research found that users experienced higher negative affect and lower positive affect from calorie-tracking apps (compared to feedback from activity-tracking apps).

Catherine Li

Perennial flax (Linum spp.) is a novel crop similar to cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum) in the Forever Green Initiative, whose mission is to develop crops that provide ecosystem services and economic opportunities for Minnesota’s farmers. The University of Minnesota perennial flax breeding program is evaluating multiple species for domestication, including L. austriacum, L. lewisii, and L. perenne, which are undergoing assessments of key agronomic and horticultural traits including seed size, oil content, shattering, floral characteristics, and plant growth habit.

Connie Wang

The proper alignment of cells when engineering extracellular matrix (ECM) scaffolds is imperative in constructing functional tissue engineered grafts. However, the phenomenon that drives co-alignment of cells with ECM fibers, also known as contact guidance, remains poorly defined in terms of its underlying mechanisms. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether fibrinolysis inhibition could affect the cell’s ability to exhibit contact guidance in an aligned 3D fibrin matrix by determining whether it affects the cell’s ability to exhibit motility in an isotropic 3D fibrin matrix.

Logan Neu

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a lethal neurodegenerative disease exhibited by members of the deer family. Animals cannot be diagnosed by physical examination and current testing methods are slow and must be conducted post-mortem. A novel testing method called RT-QuIC (real-time quaking-induced conversion) was used to perform preliminary diagnoses on multiple tissue types. RT-QuIC was expected to have greater sensitivity and specificity for prion-rich tissues such as brain and lymph nodes. RT-QuIC is a new method of protein replication used to replicate infectious prions.