Ian Roberts

Examining the Effect of Seed Mix Design on Bee Nesting in Restored Prairie

In this study, the relationships between plant composition and abiotic soil conditions was examined. The study design of a previous experiment was used, which featured a range of prairie seed mixes planted into 1m2 plots. Along a randomly drawn transect, soil temperature and moisture were measured using probes, and the proportion of bare soil in each plot was visually estimated. While only one round of data were gathered, a positive relationship was observed between soil temperature and moisture (p < 0.0001). The composition of the plant community, specifically the forb:grass ratio of the seed set used, had an impact on the soil temperature both at depth (p < 0.0001) and at the surface (p < 0.0001). This study highlights the need for greater understanding of the effect of plant composition on soil conditions in prairie restorations, especially in the context of bee nesting preferences, which are poorly understood.