Ching Ching Chan

Functional Classification of Lysine Acetylation Stoichiometry Distribution

There are many databases that collected the post-translational modification of protein, disease mutation site, or gene assembly, etc. But there is no database that collects the acetylation site and its stoichiometry. The database of acetylation sites and their stoichiometry is essential for biological researches. For example, the change of the interested protein active site might be affected by the adjacent acetylation site. Therefore, we created a database that collects acetylation sites of the human gene and its stoichiometry. When scientists question the mutation causes of certain diseases, they can check on the acetylation stoichiometry database of the interested gene's UniProt ID and the corresponding lysine site. If the interested site turns out to be the acetylation site or close by the acetylation site; and also has a high stoichiometry by using our database. It information can direct scientists in a clearer direction. 

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