Pengda Wang

Session 1
Board Number

Performance Graphs, the Impact of Gamification on Performance

This study aimed to examine the motivational effects of performance graphs, a feedback-related, game-like element that provides information about a player's performance in comparison to their own preceding performance. A prototype of the necessary scoring software was developed and pilot tested with a sample of 50 participants to verify accuracy. The main study was an online randomized between-subjects behavioral experiment with a sample of 212 participants, who were asked to generate novel uses of a box in a 10-minute brainstorming session. The results showed that if the goal of a designer is to increase quality, both similarity and quantity feedback produced similar advantages in comparison to no feedback. If the goal is to increase quantity, both types of feedback should be given. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the motivational effects of performance graphs and can inform the design of game-like elements in educational and business settings.