Max Martinson

Session 3
Board Number

Labor Unions on Minnesota's Iron Range

A corporation engages in CSR when it participates in socially beneficial activities that aim to improve its relationship with stakeholders. This project provides important foundational information about how union jobs are a form of CSR. Cleveland Cliffs, a mining company with a presence on Minnesota's Iron Range, has a unionized workforce. While Cleveland Cliffs is generally friendly toward unions, the union-corporation relationship does not come without turbulence. The relationship between unions and corporations is messy and not always straightforward. Corporations often engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Through this project, I provide a contemporary account of Cleveland Cliffs' relationship with United Steelworkers (USW) Local 2075. To gain a picture of this relationship, newspaper archives and interview data were analyzed. From this, a timeline of USW Local 2075 union's relationship with Cleveland Cliffs was created. This provides an important look into the evolution of a unionized workforce on the Iron Range.