Gloriana Campos

Session 1
Board Number

ACSS2 Knockout Effects on Muscle Phenotype, and Fatty Acid and Glucose Metabolism

Acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2) is a key enzyme that converts acetate to acetyl-CoA, which is a major metabolite in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. This project focuses on the knockout effects in the muscle of mice, and observing changes in fatty acid and glucose metabolism, as well as muscle phenotype. The quadriceps from wildtype and ACSS2 -/- mice were dissected and snap frozen, and the tissues were sectioned using cryostat tissue sectioning and stained with NADH, PAS, and Oil Red O stains. There was a significant decrease in quadricep cross-sectional area (CSA) in the males and significant increase in quad CSA in the females. There was a significant increase in Type II fiber proportion in males and significant decrease in Type II fibers in females. There was a significant decrease in tissue weight in the soleus, quad, and tibialis anterior (TA). Since ACSS2 is a metabolic enzyme, future experiments may incorporate the effects of exercise and dietary change on muscles. The results from this study will provide more information on the effects of ACSS2 on skeletal muscle and myopathy.