Nicole Vela

Session 1
Board Number

Attachment and Intimate Relationship Conflict

Attachment styles significantly influence how individuals perceive, engage in, and resolve conflicts within romantic relationships. This review explores the intricate relationship between attachment styles and conflict, focusing on emotion regulation, conflict perceptions, internal working models, communication patterns during conflicts, and conflict resolution strategies. Originating from attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby, it becomes apparent that early attachment experiences shape internal working models that profoundly impact adult relationship behaviors. Securely attached individuals demonstrate effective communication and emotion regulation during conflicts, while anxiously and avoidantly attached individuals often employ less adaptive strategies. Research indicates that attachment styles influence emotion regulation strategies, conflict perceptions, communication patterns, and conflict resolution styles within relationships. Various interventions, including communication strategies and emotionally focused therapy for couples, aim to assist insecurely attached individuals in developing adaptive conflict resolution skills and enhancing relationship quality.