You are required to submit a 2- to 3-page typed narrative report on your project is a final requirement of your award. The information you provide will be extremely helpful as OUR staff continue to improve the program. The preparation of this report should also benefit you in assessing the outcomes of your project.
Your narrative report should include all of the following sections:
- a brief summary of your project and the results,
- a discussion of how effectively you accomplished your objectives and
- an evaluation or reflective statement on your experience.
You should write your summary with the general audience in mind of faculty and students who may not be familiar with your particular field. You’re welcome to include other materials in addition to your report (for example a published paper or final report written in conjunction with your faculty sponsor or other researchers), but these should not take the place of your summary.
Please keep in mind that we may want to quote excerpts from your report to share with others through publicity for the program. If you prefer that your name not be used, please let us know.