Ava Coleman

The Discovery, Acquisition, Authentication, and Distribution of Christian Relics in Europe During the Premodern Era

My research project investigates the discovery and acquisition, authentication in Europe and the distribution of Christian relics in the premodern period. Investigating the physical path of relics also includes the theological premodern Christian’s understanding of the religion and understanding of the world. The methodology employed in this project included reading books including information regarding the history of specific relics as well as relic sales and thievery. After defining a clear history of specific relics the research then moved into books including information regarding the theology of premodern Christians and their understanding of relics. The theology of premodern Christians greatly affected the true history of each relic's discovery, acquisition and authentication. The premodern Christian’s theology also affected the way relics were distributed and sold. The results of this study suggests a very strong connection between Christian theology and the history of relics. The results of this study suggest further research regarding Christian relic distribution following the premodern period and into present day as Christian theology shifted.

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